Are You Currently Struggling With...

Business or Personal Struggles Such As…


Overwhelming workload and long hours.


Anxiety and uncertainty about the future.


Decline in the quality of patient care due to resource limitations.


Burnout and decreased job satisfaction.


High staff turnover and difficulty retaining employees; difficulty unlocking career potential.


Difficulty keeping up with industry trends and new technologies.

Dr. Paul Amerling

Dr. Paul I. Amerling, D.V.M. is a highly experienced and respected veterinarian with over 35 Years of
practice in the field.

He holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine and The University of Missouri, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Delaware.


Why Choose A Consultant?

A crucial aspect that veterinary professionals should prioritize when seeking a consultant is the consultant's industry experience. An experienced consultant who has worked extensively within the veterinary field possesses a wealth of knowledge and understanding that can prove invaluable in offering guidance and advice. Dr. Amerling has been working in the veterinary field for over 35 years. He began his career as a veterinary assistant, back in high school, and has held virtually every job within a hospital’s clinical setting, from assistant, to technician, associate veterinarian and practice owner.

Another crucial aspect for individual veterinary professionals, practice owners, and managers to consider is the consultant's area of expertise. Suppose you, as a veterinary professional, are facing challenges related to marketing, customer acquisition or are struggling with finances. It would be beneficial to engage a consultant who has extensive experience in financial management, revenue growth,and marketing. Customer acquisition has always been a strong component of Dr. Amerlings professional career. He was able to keep new clients coming into his hospital, despite the poor location, located off the main road, behind another business. Dr. Amerling also had primary oversight of his practices finances, growing the practice EBITDA from 8% to 21%, and facilitating an early retirement for himself. Currently, in his relief work, he has the highest ACT of all the doctors in the practice. By selecting a consultant with the appropriate expertise, you can address your unique concerns and enhance your success.

For individual veterinary professionals, practice owners, and managers, finding a consultant who is flexible is paramount. It is crucial to find a consultant who can adapt their recommendations and strategies to suit your unique needs and circumstances. Dr. Amerling works with all clients directly, as the primary consultant in the business. This allows him the flexibility to deliver what works best for his clients, be that in-house consultation and implementation, virtual meetings and support, or some combination of the two. Additionally, a flexible consultant should be able to exclusively focus on your needs and accommodate a schedule that meets your requirements.

My Process

At Amerling Veterinary Services, success is driven by Dr. Amerling’s unique, hands-on approach. Dr. Amerling believes in working closely with his clients to truly understand them and/ or their businesses from the inside out. By getting to know the people, the processes, and the culture, Dr. Amerling is able to identify opportunities for improvement and provide tailored solutions that address each client's specific needs.

But what sets Dr. Amerling apart is his ability to engage people and bring out their full potential. He knows how to build trust, establish relationships, and motivate teams to work together towards a common goal. With Dr. Amerling's guidance, individuals and practice owners are able to tap into the skills and strengths, leading to increased productivity, better communication, and a more positive work environment.


How It Works?


Contact Dr. Paul Amerling

Contact Dr. Amerling to discuss your current situation - including your goals and any challenges your facing.


Analysis & Recommendation

Dr. Amerling will analyze the information obtained, Identify areas for improvement, & make recommendations.


Implementations & Training

Dr. Amerling will work closely with the individual or business to begin implementing changes. This can happen both onsite & offsite. Examples may include: training, setting up new systems, providing guidance & support, financial auditing, etc.


Ongoing Support & Monitoring

Dr. Amerling will continue to provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure that the individual or business is improving and their goals are being achieved.


Survive & Thrive

With the help of Dr. Amerling, Veterinary individuals can become more efficient, knowledgable, & prepared for their Veterinary career ; Veterinary businesses can become more efficient, profitable, well-maintained, and competitive in the ever evolving Veterinary industry.

What My Clients Have to Say

After implementing the changes Dr. Amerling recommended, we have seen our practice run more smoothly and efficiently, while our doctors’ ACT has grown by an average of 27%, making a huge difference to our bottom line.
Dr. Amerling's background, experience, and professional insight have made him a valuable investment for our hospital, and I would encourage veterinarians interested in improving their practices to reach out to him for his advice and expertise.

-Dr. Beran

Ridgefield Veterinary Center

I found Paul Through our alumni group, and I am so thankful I did!
Paul was prompt in his response to my initial inquiry, and available for an extensive phone follow-up. He was patient with my questions and very open about his own experiences. Paul helped me consider both positive and negative aspects of the change I was considering and helped me develop a plan of action to minimize my risks. Paul seemed to genuinely care, and even reached out to follow up on our initial consultation. He is very knowledgeable of the veterinary profession as well as clinic ownership.
I highly recommend him as a consultant!

-Ryan Buzzard


Dr. Paul Amerling came to our practice in 2022 to help us improve efficiency and increase our overall revenue. He spent three weeks in our office, day in and day out, studying the practice and talking to each staff member to develop policies uniquely suited to our hospital's needs. After implementing the changes Dr. Amerling recommended, we have seen our practice run more smoothly and efficiently, while our doctors’ ACT has grown by an average of 27%, making a huge difference to our bottom line.
Dr. Amerling's background, experience, and professional insight have made him a valuable investment for our hospital, and I would encourage veterinarians interested in improving their practices to reach out to him for his advice and expertise.

-Dr. Beran

Ridgefield Veterinary Center

Dr. Amerling has been a wonderful mentor to me over the past several years as a veterinarian, on both the medical and the business sides of this profession. When it came time for my contract negotiation for my second year with the practice, I reached out to Dr. Amerling for his expertise, having been a veterinarian and practice owner for over 25 years. He took the time to read my contract thoroughly, pointing out innumerable details that I could negotiate, most of which I would not have considered, being a young vet, naive to the world of contract negotiation! Dr. Amerling is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about veterinary medicine as well as running a successful business. His mentorship has been indispensable to me over the past two years in practice.

-Emma Edgar


Take The Next Steps Towards A Thriving Practice